Saturday, July 9, 2022

Journey to Greymouth!

Goblin (Forest) Blocks Our Path

 Today marked the first day of our trip the West Coast. We all loaded up in the gatorwaka bright and early and headed out towards the western alps via Lewis Pass. On our way over we stopped at a mystical forest called the “Goblin Forest” (Alpine Nature Walk). The trees were covered in lichen and the entire place had an ethereal feel. After walking about 10 minutes out we all spread out to look for the elusive bird’s nest fungus, a tiny fungus shaped like a bird’s nest, complete with eggs. As we walked, the soft ground deflated under our feet and the cold rain and wind beat against us. Luckily, we successfully located lots of the bird’s nest fungus, along with lots of other fungi that Colin was happy to identify. Freezing and soaking, we ventured to our next stop. 

Looking for ‘shrooms

Found them!

The lake on the goblin forest 

Through the City of Light

Rain pounding against the gatorwaka, we made it through Lewis Pass and into Reefton, the City of Light. At a local museum (at an NZ iSite), we learned more about the history of the city, along with New Zealand as a whole. We learned that the city got its monicker because it was the first town in the Southern Hemisphere to have electric streetlights. After stocking up on goodies from the gift shop, we continued on our journey.

Veronica participates in museum activities

Ashley does not participate in museum activities 


A couple hours later, the gatorwaka was trashed from all the snacks we had eaten, but we had finally arrived at our destination, the town of Greymouth. True to its name, the sky was grey and fog prevented us from seeing the mountains we had just passed through. Everyone was starving, so we went to a local Asian restaurant. The food was great and everyone left satisfied, especially me. We then made a short stop at a local supermarket to get supplies for our hike tomorrow and made peanut butter and boysenberry jelly sandwiches for meals. I am nervous but excited for tomorrow.

Colin and his minions 


Supermarket Selfie
That’s it for me! ✌️ 
- Ryan 

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