Thursday, June 30, 2022

Challenges, Biodiversity Presentations, Kiwiana, and Whina Cooper June 30

We started out the day with team building and challenges for the class (and Nico has arrived!). From the Gordian knot to the River of Hot Chocolate, the class did really well. It was a cold morning 9 degrees Celsius but folks warmed up pretty quickly - jamming to classic rock and soul.

Gordian knot

River of Hot Chocolate

Planning about getting across the river

Traffic Jam - (they got this fast!)

After lunch, the class was introduced to biodiversity conservation in New Zealand. Through a series of presentations, the class was introduced to conservation options in New Zealand and steps to design, construct, and manage conservation developments. After Dr. Hostetler's presentations, the class was introduced to Kiwiana (Marmite/Vegemite; LP soda; honeydew honey; Vita-Weat crackers; and Pavlova!).   Now is Pavlova a New Zealand or Australian invention? We also got a chance to watch New Zealand taskmaster just before dinner. (what can I say - kiwi humor).

L&P soda!

Making fresh cream for Pavlova


In the evening - we got to see a remarkable movie about Dame Whina Cooper - who led a significant march in the 70s to bring attention about land being taken away by the government. 

And this Oscar goes to ...

Lumiere Cinema

Lobby to Lumiere

Good night all - see you in the morning! Dr. H


  1. Awesome to navigate a river of hot chocolate so quickly! Beautiful pavlova! And, so cool that Nico arrived safe and sound and then won an Oscar. : )

  2. Very impressed that Maya even tasted any of that!!

  3. Exciting to see Maya trying new foods!
